
About Somerset Safe House

The Somerset Safe House project grew out of the Somerset Clinician Support Service (SuCceSS) which began in 2009. It is part of an international movement to enhance patient care by taking the welfare and working environment of practitioners seriously. The underlying philosophy is that a clinician who is unwell, under stress or burnt out, will not be able to provide optimal care for patients. Given that the delivery of primary care services is now much more of a multi-disciplinary effort than ever before, I believe we can extend this philosophy to all staff working in this sector.

My predecessor, Roger Crabtree, devoted much time, thought and consideration into co-creating this fantastic resource - the focus for which was to provide support to general practitioners, dentists and practice managers who are struggling with work-related stressors that are having an adverse effect on their health or ability to be at their best. However, this focus has now shifted. Whilst it is important to maintain the support previously offered, we now need to consider the wider team working within the general practice setting and offer support to everyone. In addition to this, enabling individuals, teams and organisations to self-care, build resilience and set a positive culture that reduces the impact of stressors is arguably even more important; prevention is better than cure.

The Somerset Safe House aims to offer ideas, suggestions and resources which might help the people who work within primary care to thrive, live more contented professional lives and offer better care to the patients they look after.

This is the Mark 3 version. Please be sure to contact us with your feedback or comments.

Many thanks,
Zoe Fox

The Garden Shed
  • Credits
  • Original idea: Roger Crabtree
  • Research and Text: Lynn Collins
  • Website Design: Anne Hicks
  • Website Construction and Maintenance: Careers Systems