Coaching Introductions
Daniel Berrio Galan
Daniel is a local GP who also runs Second Mountain CoachingTM. He believes that finding the right coach for you can be key to reaching successful outcomes so offers a free 30minute discovery session to find out if you're the right fit for each other. Further sessions can be arranged following on from this, at an agreed cost.
You can find out more about Daniel from his website:
You will see that Daniel predominantly works with a male client base, but he is more than capable of helping anyone who feels that a coaching intervention might suit their current needs and is keen to support anyone working within primary care in Somerset.
Kevin Chamberlain
Kevin Chamberlain is a professional coach who has worked alongside the LMC for some years. His original involvement in Somerset was as an acting practice manager, and freelance consultant for the then Somerset Family Health Services Authority. He represented the interests of GPs and Dentists for a number of years on the Training and Enterprise Council. A registered coach, he works he works with major financial companies, worldwide consultancies and international recruitment companies.
You can contact Kevin on 0788 4280195 or He conducts all his coaching virtually, with an initial meeting followed by additional sessions as agreed, at a cost of around £60 per hour. Coaching sessions are typically around an hour, though the initial session may be a little longer.