Ask each of your team members to consider where they think the team is with regard to each of the following areas:
- ROBUST – solid intention with agility: we know and share our purpose, we have clear goals that align with this and are proactive when obstacles arise
- RESOURCEFUL – optimising resources and processes: we use our individual team member’s strengths and resources to build a culture of continuous improvement
- PERSEVERANCE – persisting despite setbacks: we regroup when setbacks occur and generate solutions. Everyone contributes to the energy required
- SELF-CARE – ensuring sustainable performance: we each take personal accountability for our self-care. We support each other fully in a pre-agreed fashion
- CAPABILITY – delivering in a changing landscape: we seek regular feedback from each other (e.g. by mentoring or peer review) and build on what’s working well
- CONNECTED – having a sense of belonging: we care about each other and each have a sense that we are valued as a person. We co-operate with and support one another
- ALIGNMENT – sharing motivation for success: we maintain good levels of energy and persevere towards our goals. We notice and acknowledge progress and celebrate success
You can download the Team Resilience Worksheet to do this.
If they record their rating on a scale of 1 to 10 (where 0 is agree completely and 10 is disagree completely), you can record a collective rating on this spider diagram for the team’s current position. You can also agree with the team a preferred rating on each axis.

By doing this you can start to see where the team might need the most support and develop a strategy to deliver improvements. This may include some ideas from the section on Culture Setting.